Just one more week to go! Please be on the look-out for a packet we will be sending home this week for containing some helpful items important items pertaining to next year. Below are a couple of newly scheduled upcoming events to which you are invited! Parent Organization interest meeting: Tuesday, June 12 at 8:45 am - 3:30 Cost: $150 ICA mom, Jenna Criswell, has agreed to help form an all-new parent organization. The purpose and goals of this group will be somewhat different from our PTO of the past. Jenna and I are looking forward to meeting with any parents who are interested in joining a team to build community among ICA families next year. Please join us for coffee next Tuesday in the lunchroom! Summer Camp! July 11-15 8:30- Mrs. Phillips, our kindergarten teacher, will be hosting a week of Summer Camp in July for students going into grades 1-3! The Hawaiian Hullabaloo will include activities, books, picnics, even a trip to Double Bluff. Yearbooks, Outdoor Movies, Graduations, Summer Camps, end of year field trips...sounds to me like summer is on the way! Check out all the details in the informational bulletin below. Hot off the press: Summer Camp with Mrs. Phillips July 9-13 - More info to come! Two things I would like to bring your way today. 1. Preschool Enrollment - need your help! We are working to fill up our three year old class for next school year. This year was very successful, and we would like to continue the program into next year. We have scheduled an open house for that class June 5th, so would like your help spreading the word. If you refer someone and they sign up for school this fall, you earn $100 off your September tuition! 2. End of year schedule: The last few weeks of school seem to approach light speed, so I would like to just give you an overview of the year-end events, some of which you are invited to attend: June 4th: House of Distinction field trip. Parents of house members are welcome to join us for this fun day at the Family Fun Center in Edmonds. I'll not yet divulge the winning house since we haven't announced the winning house to the students yet, June 5th: Preschool (3s) Open House 10:00 - 11:00 am. Please reserve a spot in advance. June 6th: half day with buses June 11-13: JH/HS Year-End Field Trip to Portland led my Mrs. Wilmoth and Mrs. Bartel. Some of the places they will visit include the Museum of Flight in Seattle, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, Powell Books, and even a submarine tour! June 12th: Kindergarten Graduation 6:30 pm June 13th: Field Day Elementary students will enjoy competing in group games including kickball against the staff! Please send an outside sack lunch this day. June 14th Last Day of School regular start time. Parents are welcome to join us for graduation, band presentation and Fourth Quarter Awards at 10:00 AM in the gym. Student may be released to go home with parents immediately following. Whew! One more slam-bang finish! Brenda **Check out our ICA Group page on Facebook for lots of class field trip pictures! Thank you for showing your appreciation to the teachers and staff at ICA last week! We have an outstanding team, and you did a wonderful job making them feel loved and appreciated! The next two weeks (May 21nd - June 1) we will be conducting standardized testing. Each grade level (2nd - 10th) takes computerized tests for two school days during that two -week period. Below is a list of days each grade will be testing: Grade 2: Monday, May 21 and one test the 23rd Grades 3-4: Tuesday and Wednesday, May 22-23 Grades 5-6: Thursday and Friday, May 24-25 Grades 7-8: Tuesday and Wednesday, May 29-30 Grades 9-10: Thursday and Friday, May 31 and June 1 Students may express some anxiety about these tests at home, so I would like to give you some thoughts to share with your students in regard to the tests that may help them feel more at ease: 1. They aren't part of the grades that go on your report card. These tests are to show us what you have learned and how much your academic skills have improved between last year and this year. While it is important for students to give their very best effort, we want them to be able to relax in the understanding that we are trying to get a clear picture of how well we are helping them learn. Our goal is to strike the balance between being overly concerned about their performance on one hand and clicking bubbles at random (which some have been known to do) on the other.2. There may be some questions to which you do not know the answer. If after reading the question two or three times you still don't know the correct answer, make the most logical guess with what you do know. 3. Bring plenty of water and a book to read silently when you are done with your test. 4. Bring non-sugary snacks, a water bottle and a healthy lumch as we will have 30 minute breaks between all tests and you will want to feed your brain with both food and oxygen (by exercising). 5. Please, please, please be sure to get adequate sleep during your testing days as it will give you the best chance of showing what you have learned over the last year. Thank you for helping provide optimal conditions for your student to do well on their assessments! Sincerely, Brenda Several years ago I read a book called Emotional Intelligence by Dr. Travis Bradberry. The author makes the claim that emotional intelligence (EQ) is often more of an indicator of success in business and relationships that a person's IQ. He defines emotional intelligence this way:"Emotional intelligence is that 'something' in each of us that is a bit intangible; it affects how we manage behavior, navigate social complexities, and make personal decisions that achieve positive results.
In a recent article also written by this author, he states, "Children learn emotional intelligence from their parents, plain and simple. As your children watch you every day, they absorb your behavior like a sponge." At ICA we understand well that how a student learns to interact with other students on the playground is just as important as how they perform on the math test in the classroom. This is one of the reasons I fondly refer to the recess monitors as the "character class" teachers. The skills students learn in the lunchroom and the playground will serve them well throughout their lives if the right lesson is learned. I'm grateful for student monitoring staff who understand these concepts and can help students navigate l their own emotions as well as those of others and respond in a way that is beneficial for all involved. Mr. Bradberry has written an excellent short article specifically directed to parents and caregivers entitled, "Eight Powerful Ways to Mold Children into Leaders" I hope you'll have a chance to read it in the next week or so as it will give you some potent thoughts on how to help your children develop their own EQ. Brenda
It seems like I'm always telling you about the next big event at ICA, and today is no exception. Next week is National Teacher Appreciation Week! We'll be doing some favors for our well-deserving staff throughout the week, but wanted to just bring it to your attention in case you would like to join this week of encouragement for the staff and teachers of ICA. Today is the last day of third quarter and we begin our final segment of the school year tomorrow! Twice a year we give parents opportunity to conference with their student’s teacher. That second opportunity is next week Thursday and Friday. In one of our assembly sayings the leader says “Finish” and the student responds “strong”! This parent teacher conference is all about helping your student finish the year out strong. Please call the office before the end of this week to schedule your appointment. Next Tuesday is our third quarter awards luncheon. The band under the direction of Mr. Barker will be performing! Parents are invited to join us for the meal and presentations. Sweet-and Sour Chicken Bowl with brown rice, Asian Cole Slaw, and Pineapple Sunshine Cake. (Rice Crispy Treats for Gluten Free people) is on the menu. Planning for next school year: The last two years we have followed the public school’s calendar in regard to half days. This served families whose children ride the public school bus, but it also served our purposes of having time for teachers to prepare progress and report cards, complete teacher training and conduct staff meetings. The school district has made a change in their calendar for next year to early release every Wednesday, but not until 2:00 pm. This provides the same amount of time for our purposes, it is just 1.5 hours every Wednesday instead of three hours every other Wednesday. If we were to follow the public school calendar for early release days every Wednesday at 2:00 pm, I am curious to know how this change would affect your family. The alternative would likely be to maintain our schedule of half days with 12:30 release and students would not be able to use the public school bus transportation those days. If you would like to have input on the decision, I would be glad to hear from you this week. Easter Celebration: I hope you will be celebrating the Resurrection this Sunday! As Christians we believe it is the most important event in human history. If you don't have a home church, South Whidbey Assembly would like to invite you to share the joy of Easter here at the school campus Sunday morning either 8;30 or 10:30. Enjoy Good Friday and Spring Break, Friday, March 30 - April 8th. Thank you to Lydia Justus who participated the Scripps Regional Spelling Bee this past Saturday! She made it through round three and represented ICA well! Thank you to those who attended the Spring Clean up and Fix-It Day here at ICA on Saturday! Several parents and students showed up to help complete (along with the church attenders) over 120 combined hours of work on the campus! Congratulations are in order for Science Fair winners! While each student worked hard to present a well-researched science project, the judges narrowed it down to the following medalists: 3/4 winners 3rd Jacob Hughes: Fuzzy Drinks =Fuzzy Teeth 2nd Sean Carr: Dog Nose Prints 1st Daniel Hardesty: Robot Wars 5th/6th 3rd Jadyne Streitler: Horse Habits 2nd maya Hughes: Equine Beats 1st. Serenity Hardesty: Crystals 7th-12th 1st. Jolie Bartel: Natural vs Store bought Shampoo 2 nd. Grace Delaney: Fun with Flubber 3rd. Alysha Ackerman: Does Music Affect Concentration? Experiment...check
Research Paper....check Display Board....check Presentation....check All is accomplished and students are breathing easier! Come on out tonight at 7:00 pm to peruse the rows of science projects, each carefully researched and presented by an ICA student. In addition to the individual projects, there are some intriguing group projects from the preschool, kindergarten and 1st/2nd grade classes. Thank you to our list of stellar judges who had the difficult task of choosing the top three projects in each class. 3rd-4th 1. Nathan Chambers 2. Christi Wenzek 3. Kelsey Chambers 5th-6th 1. Sarah Chappelle 2. Troy Mattson 3. Bill Criswell 7th-12th 1. Del Hardesty 2. Lisa Butters 3. Christi Dunn Reminder: Tomorrow is an early release day at 12:30. Experiments...check Papers....check Display Boards....check Presentation....check All accomplished and students are breathing easier! Be here tonight at 7:00 pm to peruse the rows of science projects, each carefully researched and presented. In addition to the individual projects, there are some intriguing group projects from the preschool, kindergarten and 1st/2nd grade classes. Thank you to our list of stellar judges who had the difficult task of choosing the top three projects in each class! 3rd-4th 1. Nathan Chambers 2. Christi Wenzek 3. Kelsey Chambers 5th-6th 1. Sarah Chappelle 2. Troy Mattson 3. Bill Criswell 7th-12th 1. Del Hardesty 2. Lisa Butters 3. Christi Dunn Reminder: Tomorrow is an early release day at 12:30. We have two new students joining us this quarter! I hope you will have an opportunity to welcome the families of Addylan to kindergarten and Keyara to our junior high! Science Fair is a week from today. It seems there are many experiments afoot and I am anticipating an inspiring event next Tuesday evening at 7:00 pm. The kindergarten and 1st/2nd grades will have displays for their class projects. Starting with 3rd grade each student develops an individual project including an experiment and display board as well as a verbal presentation and research paper. Students will each be observed and questioned by three judges during the day Tuesday, then Tuesday evening we invite parents and friends to come and see the displays. Attendees will also be able to vote for their favorite in each class. Tuesday is a dress protocol day all day, including the evening event. Please have those outfits tidy and ready to roll out Tuesday morning! Here is a link to a GREATPUZZLEHUNT.COM coming up in Bellingham April 14th. It looks like a brain-stretching, puzzle-solving fun way to spend a weekend with your family. Often at the beginning of the calendar year the staff and I talk about entering “retraining mode”. It seems the straight lines, hushed hallways and calm classrooms have faded somewhat from their former September glory, and we all need a refresher course on expectations. It is in that spirit that I would like to gently remind parents as well about being punctual for drop-off and pick-up times. No detailed explanation necessary, just a kind reminder that classes begin at 8:45 and it is as equally important that you are here for a 3:30 pick up time. Thank you for participation in the joy of “retraining” season! School safety is often on the minds of parents these days. I thought it might be helpful to let you know it is also regularly on our minds. We are always looking for ways to make ICA as safe as we can for your students and the staff. Here are some of our current practices:
Brenda Thank you for taking the time to re-enroll your students this past week! I am glad to report re-enrollment is strong, with 1st/2nd grade already full. As we add students to the waiting list we will consider splitting that class. 5th/6th grade is also nearly full. At the end of the day Monday, the first day of open-enrollment, seven new students had already enrolled school-wide. This helps so much in planning staffing and room usage for next school year! I appreciate your response. Quests: One of the practices from childhood that has given me the greatest return for the investment is memorizing scripture. Many, many times as an adult the Word of God that I memorized earlier in life has come to my mind at the exact moment I needed the message. Today I introduced the first house Quest of 3rd quarter to our students at our Monday morning gathering: the Spiritual Quest. If you would like to help or encourage your student to participate in this self-leadership program, here are the specifics: Memorize part or all of Proverbs 4:20-27 which talks about the benefits of learning wisdom. Students receive 10 house points for every verse memorized. They can collect their points anytime during the quarter by saying their verse(s) to Mrs. Ohme or Mrs. Chittim during a break or recess. 20My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words. 21 Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; 22 for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body. 23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. 24 Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. 25 Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. 26 Give careful thought to the[c] paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. 27 Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil. Some ideas for Bible memory: Say the verses in the car on the way to school. Make flashcards for your student to practice when they are waiting for something (replace those cell phone video games for a few days.) Post a verse each week in a place the student can see it regularly – like while they are brushing their teeth. In my opinion there is nothing one can memorize that will have a longer lasting benefit than the Word of God. Two reminders today:
1. This is Re-enrollment week. This year we have families who would like their students to attend ICA next year who are ready to jump on enrollment when it opens to the general public next week. If you would like retain a place in the classroom next year, please complete the on-line enrollment and submit the fee before the end of the week. We would love to have every student return! It is a fantastic group! 2. Tonight is our third quarter awards and Electives Week Showcase dinner. It begins at 6:00 pm, and should be finishing up by 7:30. Your whole family is invited to celebrate the achievements of the past quarter and enjoy Mrs. Chambers' taco bar! Brenda Two reminders tdoay: 1. This is Re-enrollment week. This year I have families who would like their students to attend ICA next year who are ready to jump on enrollment when it opens to the general public next week. If you would like your student to attend ICA next year, please enroll before the end of the week, including your $50 re-enrollment fee to be sure you retain a spot in the classroom. 2. Tonight is our third quarter awards and Electives Week Showcase dinner. It begins at 6:00 pm, and we should be done by 7:30. Your whole family is invited to enjoy the evening and Mrs. Chambers' taco bar! Brenda You and your family are invited to dinner at ICA Tuesday, February 6th at 6:00 pm! We will exhibit new skills learned during this week's electives classes as well as celebrating our students' second quarter achievements. This is a dress protocol event (for the evening only - not to school unless they choose).
Many photos from Elective classes have been posted on our ICA closed Facebook page. If you are on FB and would like to connect, search Island Christian Academy group and request to be added. Members to the group must have a family connection to ICA. Reminder: Re-enrollment for the 2018-19 school year starts Monday. See below for details There are too many descriptive terms for this week's activities, so here is a batch of them: Electives Week adjectives: delectable: bread, pasta and candy making, daily hot lunch, mountain main jerky enlightening: microscope gazing, future finance, self defense meteoric: bottle rockets (we have one on the roof!) chilly but invigorating: winter hiking creative: Latin rocks, Zentangle, valentine making, mask making intriguing: Crime investigation, polymers, small gas engines, mountain man stories and craft daring: rock climbing, rodent (mouse trap) racers melodic: black belt recorders Adjectives most heard from students: COOL! FUN! We are exceedingly grateful for each staff member, parent and community volunteer who invested their time this week to share knowledge and skills with the students at ICA. In addition to our outstanding staff, here are some presenters to thank when you see them next: from Island County: Phil Farr, forensics; Chris Peabody, self defense; Ed Wallace, CSI (media safety), Robert Bishop, CSI from Wells Fargo Bank: Ali Fralik, future finance from Tiger Marshal Arts: Sensei Wendy, self defense from Lynnwood PD: Mark Brinkman, self defense Bill Lentz (aka Lone Wolf): Mountain Man Craft Dick Barker: introduction to band instruments Parent presenters: Jim Schultz: rock climbing Laneen Carr: Valentine making Christy Dunn: microscope fun Matt Chambers: small engines Barb Chambers: zentangle Kymy Johnson: art Kaitlin Broyles: art Noelle Onstad: PACCAR semi demonstration Christi Wenzek: germs and how to keep them away Susie and Frieda Butters: hot lunch every day! classroom and lunch/recess monitors: Christy Hughes Kristine Tyler Alana Nichols Erica Piehler A thousand thanks! You and your family are invited to dinner at ICA Tuesday, February 6th at 6:00 pm! We will be exhibiting new skills learned during this week's electives classes as well as celebrating our students' second quarter achievements. Many photos from Elective classes have been posted on our ICA closed Facebook page. If you are on FB and would like to connect, search Island Christian Academy group and request to be added. Members to the group must have a family connection to ICA. Reminder: Re-enrollment for the 2018-19 school year starts Monday. An enrollment tab will appear on your Gradelink account. The completed on-line portion and your $50 re-enrollment fee will reserve your student's place! There are too many descriptive terms for this week's activities, so here is a batch of them: Electives Week adjectives: delectable: bread, pasta and candy making, daily hot lunch, mountain main jerky enlightening: microscope gazing, future finance, self defense meteoric: bottle rockets (we have one on the roof!) chilly but invigorating: winter hiking creative: Latin rocks, Zentangle, valentine making, mask making intriguing: Crime investigation, polymers, small gas engines, mountain man stories and craft daring: rock climbing, rodent (mouse trap) racers melodic: black belt recorders Adjectives most heard from students: COOL! FUN! We are exceedingly grateful for each staff member, parent and community volunteer who invested their time this week to share knowledge and skills with the students at ICA. In addition to our outstanding staff, here are a few presenters to thank when you see them next: from Island County: Phil Farr, forensics; Chris Peabody, self defense; Ed Wallace, media safety, Robert Bishop (coroner) CSI from Wells Fargo Bank: Ali Fralik from Tiger Marshal Arts: Sensei Wendy from Lynnwood PD: Mark Brinkman Bill Lentz (aka Lone Wolf): Mountain Man Craft Dick Barker: band Parent presenters: Jim Schultz: rock climbing Laneen Carr: Valentine making Christy Dunn: microscope fun Matt Chambers: small engines Barb Chambers: zentangle Kymy Johnson: art Kaitlin Broyles: art Noelle Onstad: PACCAR demo semi Christi Wenzek: germs Susie and Frieda Butters: hot lunch every day! classroom and lunch/recess monitors: Christy Hughes Kristine Tyler Alana Nichols Erica Piehler A thousand thanks! And the winner is…. After an intense battle of the words all afternoon in the gym at Island Christian Academy, a winner has emerged! All School winner and ICA delegate to the Regional Scripps Spelling Bee is 4th grader Lydia Justus! Congratulations to the grade level winners who include the following: 2nd grade 1st Owen Bartel 2nd Jack Lynds 3rd Regan Harrod 3rd grade: 1st Grace Gallagher 2nd Lindi Moore 3rd Autumn-Rose Land 4th grade 1st Lydia Justus 2nd Sean Carr 3rd Alexander Zarifis 5th grade 1st Connor Bartel 2nd Serenity Hardesty 3rd Jasmin DeMartini 6th grade 1st Bailey Wenzek 2nd Korbin Jones 3rd Claire Dunn Junior High Class 1st Jolie Bartel 2nd Ben Lindenstein 3rd Henry Ohme Well done everyone! Brenda Chittim I would like to pass on information about THREE events. 1. Spelling Bee – This is a dress protocol day for all classes. Elementary Class Bees start at 12:45 (not 1:15 as previously announced) with 2nd grade Junior High Bee begins at 1:15 in the lunchroom Parents are welcome to attend. The elementary bee usually takes all afternoon, but the junior high bee just lasts 45 minutes to one hour. We will send one student to represent ICA at the regional Scripps Spelling Bee. 2. Electives Week – January 30th-February 2nd This Friday is our “Preview Day” for electives week. At 2:45 students will have opportunity to meet elective teachers and see what classes will be offered. Each student will be given a form to select their top two choices for each of the class periods. They will bring the sheets home over the weekend for parents to sign as some of the choices have material fees associated. 3. Reenrollment – February 5-9 . The re-enrollment tab will appear on your Gradelink account February 5th. You will need to review your account, making any changes. Existing families have first opportunity to enroll siblings, which you can also do through your Gradelink account at that time. Once the on-line portion and paperwork is completed and the re-enrollment fee of $50 for returning students ($25 for 3 year old preschool) is paid, your student’s place is reserved for next school year! Enrollment opens to new families February 12th. Spread the word! January holds in store what has become one of our students’ favorite events of the school year: Electives Week. We still need presenters as well as many classroom monitors and helpers, so please contact the office if you have a morning, afternoon or even a day you could help out. Grandparents are also welcome to participate and also contribute toward your family’s volunteer hours!
Believe it or not, K-12 reenrollment for next school year will be here before you know it. While it does seem quite early, I’m mentioning it because this year reenrollment week will be one month earlier to allow more time for budgeting and staffing. February 5th-9th current families will have opportunity to reserve their seat for next year, and February 12th open enrollment begins for new families desiring a place for the following year. There will likely be some competition as we have new families already wanting to enroll. Some of our classes look like they could fill up with re-enrollment, so please don’t delay if you would like your student to return to ICA next year. We’ll give you more detailed direction as the date approaches, but have tried to streamline the process as much as possible. Spelling Bee is also this month, the afternoon of the 23rd. You are welcome to join us to watch this sometimes-intense competition to see who will represent ICA at the regional Scripps spelling bee! Brenda January holds in store what has become one of our students’ favorite events of the school year: Electives Week. We still need presenters as well as many classroom monitors and helpers, so please call the office if you have a morning, afternoon or even a day you could help out. Grandparents are also welcome to participate and also accumulate toward your family’s volunteer hours! Believe it or not, K-12 reenrollment for next school year will be here before you know it. While it does seem quite early, I’m mentioning it because this year reenrollment week will be one month earlier to allow more time for budgeting and staffing. February 5th-9th current families will have opportunity to reserve their seat for next year, and February 12th open enrollment begins for new families desiring a place for the following year. There will be some competition as we have new families already wanting to enroll. 1st-2nd grade will likely see the most competition with pot, so please don’t delay if you would like your student to return to ICA next year. We’ll give you more details as the date approaches, but have tried to streamline the process as much as possible. Spelling Bee is also this month, the afternoon of the 23rd. You are welcome to join us to watch this sometimes-intense competition to see who will represent ICA at the regional Scripps spelling bee! See below for this week's news: Tonight is the night! Bring friends, relatives and neighbors While the performance begins at 7:00, each teacher has emailed their class with instructions with time of arrival and dress expectations for their specific class. Dress protocol is the base line, but some will have costumes, or holiday attire is welcome!
Previous testimonials: We feel that the teachers and staff of Island Christian Academy place a great deal of personal investment in each of our children - not only academically and socially, but also spiritually. We can sense that they pray for our children, and love them individually for the gifts and talents God has given them. The teachers notice each individual child. Children are never just a "number" at Island Christian Academy. Our children thrive and flourish both academically and spiritually in such an environment. School has become an extension of our home and the Christian family values and love we strive to instill in our children. They are a support system for us as parents. We are grateful beyond words for the teachers and staff of Island Christian Academy!" -- Ben and Valerie Grissom "We love ICA! We were embraced with open arms and the kids have been challenged and are growing spirit, soul, and body." - Rob and Sarah Chappelle "My daughter has been at ICA two years, and she has learned to love learning. She has been challenged and she accomplished more than I ever imagined possible. In this setting she has flourished." - Luanna Lubchuk "I.C.A. is a great school for many reasons. The curriculum is founded on strong academic principles, giving children the opportunity to rise to their full potential. Also, the fact that the teachings of The Bible are infused into all the classes means that kids will gain a greater depth of understanding in all fields of study. The common theme in public schools as well as many private schools in the last several years has been to focus more on coddling kids' self esteem rather than actually teaching them. This is definitely not the case here. That being said, you may fear that your kids may not receive the nurturing you desire, but that is not the case either. What I.C.A. provides is a perfect combination of teaching and nurturing, all based on a solid foundation in God's love. All the information in the world is meaningless without context, which The Bible provides. All the self-esteem boosting in the world leaves children empty without it being founded in God's love. The teachers I've come to know at this school get this perfectly. They are highly intelligent individuals who are very nurturing, and all of them care about every student in their classes (if not the whole school)! Of course, teachers alone can't support this structure - all of this is also true of the administrative staff and all the volunteers I've met (which is probably all of them). A school like this is as rare as a precious jewel, and much more valuable. But don't take my word for it - go check it out and see for yourself! I'm sure you will find that if anything, I've understated how awesome this school is." -- Greg Frederick "ICA has provided a great educational environment were our daughter has been encourage to reach her full potential. The teachers love their jobs and it shows! Thank you ICA!!" -Naomi DeMartini "From the moment I moved to Whidbey and contacted the school about classes for my children, they have been welcoming and encouraging. My daughter loves her teacher, and cannot wait to go to school! My children are thriving and excelling in their education!" -Rachel Guzman "ICA is a place where my children feel safe, appreciated, loved and accepted. They are taught the values that are important to me and I know they are being equipped for success not only academically but also in life." - Lynette Wineman "We could not be happier with ICA and its staff. Our kids love the school and teachers and we are quite satisfied with the superior education they continue to receive." - Ben and Fallon Criswell "My daughter is being held to a high academic level while also learning the importance of respect, kindness, and grace." - Wendi Alexander "Through a balance of tough high academic standards and sincere caring, my daughter is learning to love learning. ICA education, although structured, leaves enough to the imagination; piquing curiosity, helping eager minds to learn." - Sherry Jennings Tonight is the night! Bring friends, relatives and neighbors Each teacher has emailed their class with instructions with time of arrival and dress expectations for their specific class. Dress protocol is the base line, but some will have costumes, or holiday attire is welcome!
We feel that the teachers and staff of Island Christian Academy place a great deal of personal investment in each of our children - not only academically and socially, but also spiritually. We can sense that they pray for our children, and love them individually for the gifts and talents God has given them. The teachers notice each individual child. Children are never just a "number" at Island Christian Academy. Our children thrive and flourish both academically and spiritually in such an environment. School has become an extension of our home and the Christian family values and love we strive to instill in our children. They are a support system for us as parents. We are grateful beyond words for the teachers and staff of Island Christian Academy!" -- Ben and Valerie Grissom "We love ICA! We were embraced with open arms and the kids have been challenged and are growing spirit, soul, and body." - Rob and Sarah Chappelle "My daughter has been at ICA two years, and she has learned to love learning. She has been challenged and she accomplished more than I ever imagined possible. In this setting she has flourished." - Luanna Lubchuk "I.C.A. is a great school for many reasons. The curriculum is founded on strong academic principles, giving children the opportunity to rise to their full potential. Also, the fact that the teachings of The Bible are infused into all the classes means that kids will gain a greater depth of understanding in all fields of study. The common theme in public schools as well as many private schools in the last several years has been to focus more on coddling kids' self esteem rather than actually teaching them. This is definitely not the case here. That being said, you may fear that your kids may not receive the nurturing you desire, but that is not the case either. What I.C.A. provides is a perfect combination of teaching and nurturing, all based on a solid foundation in God's love. All the information in the world is meaningless without context, which The Bible provides. All the self-esteem boosting in the world leaves children empty without it being founded in God's love. The teachers I've come to know at this school get this perfectly. They are highly intelligent individuals who are very nurturing, and all of them care about every student in their classes (if not the whole school)! Of course, teachers alone can't support this structure - all of this is also true of the administrative staff and all the volunteers I've met (which is probably all of them). A school like this is as rare as a precious jewel, and much more valuable. But don't take my word for it - go check it out and see for yourself! I'm sure you will find that if anything, I've understated how awesome this school is." -- Greg Frederick CA has provided a great educational environment were our daughter has been encourage to reach her full potential. The teachers love their jobs and it shows! Thank you ICA!!" -Naomi DeMartini "From the moment I moved to Whidbey and contacted the school about classes for my children, they have been welcoming and encouraging. My daughter loves her teacher, and cannot wait to go to school! My children are thriving and excelling in their education!" -Rachel Guzman "ICA is a place where my children feel safe, appreciated, loved and accepted. They are taught the values that are important to me and I know they are being equipped for success not only academically but also in life." - Lynette Wineman "We could not be happier with ICA and its staff. Our kids love the school and teachers and we are quite satisfied with the superior education they continue to receive." - Ben and Fallon Criswell "My daughter is being held to a high academic level while also learning the importance of respect, kindness, and grace." - Wendi Alexander "Through a balance of tough high academic standards and sincere caring, my daughter is learning to love learning. ICA education, although structured, leaves enough to the imagination; piquing curiosity, helping eager minds to learn." - Sherry Jennings Tuesday, December 19 at 7:00 PM Island Christian Academy presents
A CLASSIC CHRISTMAS All are invited! Second quarter quest for this year is all about reading! We have reconfigured the Readers of the Round Table challenge and added new books for this year. We hope each student will choose a book to read over the Christmas Break to enjoy over the holidays. There is nothing I can think of that contributes more to being a successful student than fluency and reading! Encourage your student to become a Knight this year! The book list is attached, but many great titles can be found in our office library. Because I don’t want you to miss it, I am letting you know right at the top that the Classic Christmas, a program put on by our students each year, will be presented two weeks from this very evening. Put it on your calendar and let Grandpa and Grandma and friends know. If you haven’t attended before, it is a heartwarming evening of presenting the Christmas story with sing-along carols, Mary and Joseph and the full nativity, bell choirs and more. Tuesday, December 19th at 7 pm – A Classic Christmas at ICA Electives Week is our next big event this year wedged in between first and second quarters. This year’s dates are January 30th – February 2nd; the general theme of many of the classes will be related to science in conjunction with the spring Science Fair in March. There is an explanation of electives week below for those of you who are new to ICA. As you may be aware, we rely not only on the ICA staff, but parents and community members as well to inspire the students with their knowledge and passion during this event. Below are some electives we have offered in previous years. Please look at our list and take a couple minutes to ask yourself two questions:
Chemistry for Kids Science of Cookies Intro to Theater Finding Your Own Voice (vocal instruction) Finances for Teens Zentangle Bread in a Bag Bottle Rockets Build a Bridge CSI No Power Radio Receiver Electricity & Magnetism Robotics Into to Coding Lego with Stop Animation Knitting Self Defense It’s a VERY Small World (microscope exploration) Entertaining & Etiquette DIY Beauty Concoctions Geocaching Puppetry and Masks Learn about Band Instruments Italy Fest! Mountain Man Skills Writing Stories Stained Glass Intro to Coding Hand and Needle Felting Spy Secrets (situational awareness and safety) Basic Car Maintenance Gymnastics Taekwondo These are all classes we have offered before or are planning to offer this year. Let me know by responding to this email if you or someone you know might be interested in teaching one of these or another subject they are familiar with. The commitment is for four one-hour classes on the same topic. I look forward to hearing your ideas. May your advent season by filled with hope this year! Brenda Electives Week explanation: Each year between the 2nd and 3rd quarters, ICA hosts four days of classes presented by our staff, parents of ICA students, as well as various members of the Whidbey community. The electives week theme each year follows whichever spring fair is next in the three year rotation. (Science Fair, Culture and History Fair, Art Fair. So we are leaning in to more science-related subjects this year; however, we would like to include some classes from the other disciplines as well. During Electives Week (actually four days), each student chooses four electives and attends the same four each day for one hour Tuesday-Friday starting at 10:00 (after math class). It is available to students in 2nd grade and up, but each elective teacher can decide how many and for which ages their class is most appropriate. Last year we offered 22 classes. The PreK-1st grades also have special classes, but we have presenters come into their classrooms and teach them as a class so as to avoid too much disruption to their schedule. It is a delight today to give you the auction report from Saturday, but first extend a huge thank you to those who worked SO hard to make the evening possible. Most of you worked procuring items, inviting guests and donating time the week of the event. It is truly only possible when many, many people work together. Auction Team kudos: Here is the team who donated significant time and energy as part of the auction committee: Laura Nance: Silent auction team leader Marcella Zarifis: Silent auction apprentice and queen of the ironing boards (my hero – along with Sonja Lindenstein who together ironed well over 50 large tablecloths) Christi Wenzek: Live Auction Creator Laneen Carr and Erica Delaney: Elegant Décor designers
Angela Ohme: Data entry and class projects, etc, etc... :-) Barbara Chambers: Chef fantastique (toasted butternut squash to dream about!) Matt Chambers: cashiering and computer networking expert, and cinnamon roll king! A two-pan package sold for $300, then another person later purchased another two pans for $500! Thank you, along with these, for the part you played in creating an exceptional evening for all who attended! Second Chance: Attached please find a list of items that did not sell at the auction. If you see anything on the list that might be useful to you, please submit a bid via email to [email protected]. We will award each item to the highest bidder. Please have your bids submitted by midnight Monday, November 27th. The Bottom Line: Although we are still settling some of the accounting, preliminary reports indicate a total, after expenses, even higher than the last two years – somewhere in the $40-45K range! This, once again, very nicely fills out the budget gap for this year! Thank you!! I regularly tell the Lord it is His school, and everything we do is for His glory. Translated means it is His responsibility, and it never ceases to amaze me how He always takes care of it so well! One more thing for which we can all be grateful this week! Happy Thanksgiving, Brenda
We had a delightful first quarter awards luncheon today at noon. It's a joy to celebrate diligence and hard work! The kindergarten and 5th/6th classes both impressed us with their remarkable memories. The kindergarten recited Psalm 139:1-14 and followed by the 5th and 6th grade's spirited delivery of all 18 stanzas of Napoleon Bonaparte. We have some fantastic students and terrific teachers. Parent Teacher Conferences starting tomorrow: Hopefully you have scheduled your parent teacher conference already. There are still slots available if you have not. Wednesday (tomorrow) is a half day with afternoon busses, and Thursday and Friday are both half days without afternoon bus service. Auction last minute details: Tomorrow is the last day to turn in auction items as we will be printing auction documents Thursday. I am quite sure there are still some ticket stubs out there that haven't been turned in. We seem quite short on those, so please be sure to bring them tomorrow for our final table count. Thanks to all who have volunteered for this big event! We could still use help with food prep any afternoon this week. Please just reply to this email if you have any time to give. I'm attaching the list of students who received awards today just in case you weren't able to make it to the lunch today. Have a blessed week. I hope to see you all Saturday! Brenda Today begins the “12 Days before Auction”! The countdown is on, and I would like to specially thank each of you who have been working hard on procurements. We had several who had their items and tickets all accounted for by yesterday’s deadline, and we drew a name out of the “hat” for $100 off December’s tuition. The winning family is….Tim and Jenna Criswell! Congratulations to them and sincere thanks to all who made that extra effort to get their items turned in by the deadline.
We still have quite a ways to go, and in order to be included in the auction we have to receive your items by early next week, so please don’t delay! The ticket stubs are equally urgent to return to the office as the cook is awaiting final count for meals. We also still need folks to sign up for jobs to make the action of the auction happen! Here are some jobs yet to be filled. Could it be you? 1. Food prep Wednesday, Thursday or Friday afternoons (Nov 15-17). Maybe if you come for your conference you could give an hour or two and be the culinary hero we are waiting for (no previous experience required). 2. Kitchen crew the night of the event is needed. Want to relive your first job by being the dishwasher extraordinaire? We’ll also need several people to prepare and plate the food. 3. Ironing tablecloths. Ironing seems to be almost a lost art, but a skill easily learned. I would love to show you how relaxing it can be! It’s all set up a ready to glide, just let me know when you can stop by! 4. Silent Auction – we could use a few more volunteers to help wrap up the silent auction and get items packaged and collected for bidder pick up. We’ll be sure you get dinner! 5. Clean up crew. Now this is the fun part! (sounding a little Tom Sawyer-ish?) This crew will tear it all down, put it away and set up for Sunday morning. Many hands make lighter work! Call or email the office ASAP. Some have already signed up and have their assignment – we’ll send out reminders by the end of the week. Thanks for all your efforts – together hopefully we will be able to put on a fantastic event and raise the money to fill out our budget for this school year! |
Island Christian ACademyDecidedly Academic - Distinctively Christian. A few of our wax museum participants
Electives week with Detective Farr from Island County
Grandparents Day
Service Project, Langley
High School students visit the capital building in Olympia
Spelling bee winners
Sno-Isle Skill Center graduate and ICA senior
Secondary Leadership Retreat
Community service project at the Island County Fairgrounds
Northwest Institute of the Literary Arts winners