We have such lovely colors outside today to celebrate the fall! Several classes are having end-of-day festivities today and there is plenty of joy in the air!
As you may have noticed, we have several half days this month. Tomorrow is the first early release of the month, then next Thursday (9th) is a half day for preparing first quarter report cards followed by a full day off on Friday the 10th to observe Veterans Day. The following week, October 18th,19th and 20th are also half days set aside for conferences between parents and teachers, and between parents, teachers AND students in the secondary grades. I hope you will make this fall parent teacher conference a priority in your schedule. Sometimes there is a feeling that if I your child is doing well in school there is no need for a conference. Nothing makes me happier than students who are doing well except students who are doing “good” but reaching for “great”. Parent teacher conferences are about making sure your student is having the best educational experience that student’s family supporters in partnership with our staff can possibly provide. There is always room to grow. Our hope is that both parents will be able to attend if at all possible as dads and moms often see things differently and both have valuable input. We will be handing out report cards as well as the results of last year’s CTP testing at the conferences. Secondary: Conferences are required for both students and parents of secondary students this year. The students themselves will be leading their conference from start to finish. They will be identifying their own academic strengths and weaknesses as well as setting yearly goals along with their teachers and parents as a part of the meeting. Our objective is to move students from seeing education as something being done to them to something they themselves are accomplishing for their own purposes. We want them to “own” it. Hopefully this is a helpful step in creating that perspective. Please call or email the office to sign up for your conferences as soon as you can! If you are out and about this evening I would invite you to stop by the Harvest Carnival at Island Church. I’ll be there along with some other staff from ICA helping create the fun. The carnival is open from 5-8 pm this evening. Brenda
![]() Yesterday was a fantastic Grandparents Day with an inspiring program and delicious lunch (made by Barbara Chambers). (See a some sample photos below) It was a pleasure to meet grandparents and special friends of some of our new students and get reacquainted with some who have attended several of these celebrations. One grandmother (Yvonne Klopfenstein) has had at least one of her grandchildren at ICA for the last 12 years! Inclement weather notices: With the winter weather seeming to click into high gear today, I would like to remind you of how to know if there is or is not school on a questionable day. Here are the ways to get the informaiton in the order I update them on a day when school is cancelled unexpectedly: 1. Phone tree: Our phone tree system calls each number listed for a family with the message in the order listed in Gradelink until it gets a pick-up (it does time out after so many tries). If possible, I try to activate this by 6 am. 2. ICA Facebook closed group 3. ICA phone message (360-221-0919) 4. ICA webpage (front page) 5. TV/radio. I don't contact them directly any longer, but it is most often the case that if the South Whidbey School District it listed as not having school or running two hours late, ICA will be following the same schedule for the day. If there were a power outage or some other unforseen event requiring us to dismiss school during the school day, the phone tree would be activated with the message that students will need to be picked up. Note: If our power is out, we are required to close school after two hours. Since my power just flickered, I think I'll sign off for today! Enjoy the blustery evening! Brend We are just one week away from Grandparents Day (October 17th) when we will welcome grandparents and/or special friends to our ICA campus to experience a taste of a day in the life of an ICA student. Guests arrive at 10:00 am and will be able to tour the school with their student, filling out a stamp card along the way. The highlight of the day is a program present by 3K-6th grade classes showcasing some of what they are learning and then a complimentary luncheon at noon.
This is also our first official dress protocol day, so hopefully those clothes are ready for roll out. I'll attach the family handbook in case you need to review those requirements (they are on pages 10 and 11). Junior High and High School students will also be in uniform as they will serve as hosts for the day. (We have patches available for sale in the office if you have not yet ordered from SchoolBelles and would find them helpful.) If your student doesn't have a grandparent or special friend who is able to attend, we would be glad to have a parent in their place. I also know some other grandparents (including my own parents) who would be delighted to serve as a substitute grandparent for the day if that sounds helpful. Early release today at 12:30 and, as always, please click on the attached MT document for more info. Blessings on your week! Brenda Italy Reminder: Mrs. Bartel will be meeting tonight with parents and students 6th-10th grades who may be interested in a trip to Italy over Spring Break of 2019. The group will meet at 6:30 in the Latin Room. House Representatives: I'm happy to announce the members of student council for the 2017-18 school year. These students will have opportunity to:
Marisa Ackerman - House Gratius Jolie Bartel - House Adoratium Shannon Justus - House Adoratium Christian Nance - House Auxilium Megan Nance - House Virtus Henry Ohme - House Virtus Tim Rice - House Gratius Natalie Wilmoth - House Gratius Sierra Wilmoth - House Gratius Note: This Friday (the 6th) there will be no bus service morning or afternoon. This was not on the original calendar. Auction: We already have auction donations coming in almost daily! The sooner the better. Great job! Remember the attached MT document with more... Blessings on your week, Brenda Chittim Quest #4—a Mental feat (up to 30 points) Mental Feat (30 joints possible): Soon we will be gearing up for this year's science fair! Science is all about looking at the world around you and figuring out how it works. Feed your curiosity this quarter by finding out how something works. Ask your mom and dad if they have some old piece of equipment that you can take apart and look inside. See if you can figure out how it works. OR... think of something you would like to understand about the world and search the internet or a library book to help you figure it out. Start your QUEST with a good question like one of these: Why does the Earth have so much gravity? Why does my breath feel hot or cold? How do seashells form? What causes a sore throat? How does a telescope work? How do squid change color? How do seedless watermelons grow? How can a match light? Why are some people ticklish and others aren’t? Why does spinning make you dizzy? How to report: Write about what you did and what you learned or if you are below 3rd grade tell your mom or dad what you did and learned and have them email Mrs Ohme at [email protected]. Written quests can be turned in at the office.
The attached MT has some important new announcements for you, so please take a look. Today I would like to share a few thoughts on what has become an epidemic in our country and, unfortunately, has become just one more danger from which you as parents must protect your children. The new statistics are shocking and I thought it appropriate to pass this information and the resources on to you. Because technology is widely available, even to children, and sex and technology have become hopelessly intertwined, more children than ever are being exposed to pornography eariler than ever. This is a far cry from what you may have found in your back alley as a child, and the effects on children are profound. While I really only have time to bring this to your attention and beg you to take steps to protect the young minds placed in your care, I would also like to point you to a few resources you may find helpful. This poignant article entitled, “Will I Rob My Child’s Innocence If I Start Talking about the Dangers of Porn?” is a great place to start. The book that is mentioned in the article is available in our school offices for parents to check out. This is not a topic we address at ICA, but feel that parents are best suited to have sexual-related discussions with their students. Parenting today is not an easy job and I commend each of you for taking it on. You have some amazing children and we are so glad to come alongside and help you with the challenge of keeping them safe! Blessings on your day, Brenda ![]()
The Auction Meeting is tonight at 7:00 pm in the gym here at ICA. I hope to see one representative from each family. You'll have opportunity to sign up in the business book as well as pick up your auction packet. We'll try to simplify the auction process for you and hope you will leave with some great ideas.
The other big news it that tomorrow (9/20) is a half day with early release at 12:30. Bus service is available. Big news to come: Grandparents Day is just a month away, October 17th 10:00 am - noon, and we would love to invite your child's grandparent(s) or special friend to join us for a student-directed tour around the school, a performance by each class as well as a luncheon they can enjoy together with their grandchild. We realize families don't always have grandparents nearby, so if there is a family friend who may want to come in place of a grandparent, we are all for that. If that doesn't fit your situation, a parent is welcome to come and enjoy the day with their child. One year a parent even dressed up as a grandma, which was very entertaining for all of us! If none of those options sounds viable, I happen to know some local grandpas and grandmas (including my own parents) who would love to come and be a surrogate grandparent for the day. Just let me know! We would be glad to send an invitation to whomever you choose, so if you haven't yet done so, please send the teacher the appropriate address and we'll be sure to let them know about the event. Other news: Picture Day is next Tuesday for the whole school, with the exception of the 3K class who will be taking their pictures the following Monday, October 2nd. Most of our K3 group only attend M-W-F - the reason for the exception. 1st Quarter Physical Quest: Quest #2--a Physical feat (up to 40 points possible) Take a hike! The weather is still great, so head outdoors for a walk. Find an adult who will take you out on one of our many local trail systems for a walk in the woods or along the beach. There are so many to choose from, and the longer the hike, the more points you can build for your individual point total and for your whole house! Less than 1 mile = 10 points 1-2 miles = 20 points 3-4 miles = 30 points 4+ miles = 40 points How to report: Have your mom or dad email or write a note to Mrs. Ohme to tell where and how far you walked. Please peruse the attached MT for more! Warm regards, Brenda Just two reminders today along with the information on the attached MT document: We hope to see you at Back to School Night tonight starting at 6:30 in the classrooms, and then again next week for the mandatory auction meeting at 7 pm in the gym. Descriptions of each event follows below: I'll be out in the foyer if you would like to join me after your meeting for some lemonade and goodies! Back to School Night, Tuesday, September 12th 6:30-8:00: You are invited to visit your student’s classroom on this evening to hear about classroom expectations and curriculum for the year. Not only will you be able to speak personally with the teachers, but you will get the chance to engage other parents as well. There will be refreshments in the courtyard area for those who would like to stick around to chat or meet some of our new families. Students typically do not attend this event. Each classroom will present the same information three times at 30-minute intervals: 6:30, 7:00 and 7:30. This is so parents with multiple students have the opporunity to hear the presentation from every teacher. This is not a time for individual conferences with the teacher about your student, but more geared toward presentation of information to the group. They are glad to conference with you at another time if needed. Fundraising Meeting, Tuesday, September 19th: This is a mandatory meeting (unless you have chosen to opt out of auction) for at least one parent to attend for information on our one large fundraiser for the year. Auction doesn't happen until November 18th, but auction season kicks off at this meeting. You will receive your auction packet at this time along with coaching and instruction to make the process as easy as possible for everyone. It is also the first time our auction "book" is available for you to sign up for businesses you may have a personal connection with. The last important detail is you will be able to choose your auction job. This is an all-hands-on-deck event and we need your help! We will do our best to answer all of your questions, so you leave with confidence and ideas to help us meet our auction goal so we can continue to keep our tuition affordable for families on South Whidbey. Did you know we pray for our school and students regularly in our staff devotion time from 8:00-8:30 every morning? We are delighted to serve your families. We are discovering how your students have been "fearfully and wonderfully made" referring to Psalm 149:14 -where the word fearfully means: with great reverence, heart-felt interest and with respect., and the word wonderfully means: unique, set apart, marvelous. Thanks for being a part of the ICA family! Brenda ![]()
Typically you would be receiving my weekly message on a Tuesday, but as this has been an exceptional week all around, you are receiving it on Thursday. Although a bit warm, I believe overall we have had a successful launch to the school year! For those who are new, there will always be an attached PDF with details about the coming week and other items that are helpful for you to know. I hope you will take the time to open that each week and scan the contents for anything that may pertain to you. That way you will be up to speed on most things school-related. There are just a few items I would like to address briefly. (Warning: I'm putting the principal hat on now.) 1. We start school promptly at 8:45 If your student arrives much past that it is likely the doors will be locked and you will need to sign them in on the clipboard just inside the office door. They will also be marked tardy. As you can imagine it's very difficult to get started if we have students trickling in until 9:00 am. The bus barn tells me their goal is for all busses to arrive by 8:35 each day, so even bussers are expected in the classroom at 8:45. This will allow teachers to make the most of every minute! We will be keeping better track of tardies this year and letting you know if you need to sharpen up your arrival time. Students may not arrive at school before 8:30 am. Please do not drop your student off early. 2. We end school on normal days at 3:30 and 12:30 on half days. Please pick up your student(s) promptly as teachers have many things to do to prepare for the next day. We have much grace for an unusual day when you have a delay, but please make it a habit to pick up on time. 3. Early pickup: If you need to pick up or drop off your child part way through the school day, please come to the office to sign them out (or in) and we will call them from their classrooms. Thank you so much for abiding by these requests as they will make a significant difference in our school year running smoothly. (OK - principal hat off.) We have several new families at ICA, so I hope some of our long-term parents will take time to introduce yourselves if you see a new face. The next two Tuesdays we have some important events that we would like you to attend: Back to School Night, Tuesday, September 12th 6:30-8:00: You are invited to visit your student’s classroom on this evening to hear about classroom expectations and curriculum for the year. Not only will you be able to speak personally with the teachers, but you will get the chance to engage other parents as well. There will be refreshments in the courtyard area for those who would like to stick around to chat or meet some of our new families. Students typically do not attend this event. Each classroom will present the same information three times at 30-minute intervals: 6:30, 7:00 and 7:30. This is so parents with multiple students have the opporunity to hear the presentation from every teacher. This is not a time for individual conferences with the teacher about your student, but more geared toward presentation of information to the group. They are glad to conference with you at another time if needed. Fundraising Meeting, Tuesday, September 19th: This is a mandatory meeting (unless you have chosen to opt out of auction) for at least one parent to attend for information on our one large fundraiser for the year. Auction doesn't happen until November 18th, but auction season kicks off at this meeting. You will receive your auction packet at this time along with coaching and instruction to make the process as easy as possible for everyone. It is also the first time our auction "book" is available for you to sign up for businesses you may have a personal connection with. The last important detail is you will be able to choose your auction job. This is an all-hands-on-deck event and we need your help! We will do our best to answer all of your questions, so you leave with confidence and ideas to help us meet our auction goal so we can continue to keep our tuition affordable for families on South Whidbey. Quests: I've attached our first quest for Quarter 1. It is a social quest that is worth 30 house points for every age group! This is an optional personal and leadership development program for those students who would like to participate. There are many ways to earn house points, but this is the biggest way to rack them up. I hope it has been a smooth adjustment for each of your students this week. We are delighted you have chosen to be part of the ICA community this year! (remember the attached bulletin!) Blessings, Brenda ![]()
Reminder: Tomorrow is an early release day with buses available.
Congratulations to the House of Distinction for 2016-2017 school year: House Adoratium (House of Encouragement)! Their diligence throughout the year, doing quests, reading books and keeping up with homework among other things paid off and they had the privilege of merriment at Wildwaves yesterday! It seemed like everyone enjoyed the day of sunny weather and very short lines. Although we are just about to take the plunge into summer vacation, we aren't quite there yet with a few more days of lessons, quizzes and tests as well as a couple class field trips this week and a JH/HS gala event here at the school on Friday! This Friday at 2:45 you are welcome to join us for our last all-school sing and band concert. We'll sing songs we've learned this year and listen to the band play songs they have learned this year and then we'll sing along with the band! Next week Wednesday is our elementary school field day. It's likely we'll be outside all day (weather permitting) in the sun, so you might want to encourage your student don a bit of sunscreen that morning. Next week Thursday, the last day of school, kindergarten graduation begins at 10:00 am followed by our awards ceremony and year-end slide show. Parents are welcome to attend, and students will be dismissed following the presentation (probably around noon). No public school busses will be available that day. We are all endeavoring to be diligent by "working hard all the way to the end!" Blessings, Brenda Summer is just around the corner, and I would like to update you on some summer events as well as a few events between now and June 15th
Island County Fair: Last year we partnered with folks from South Whidbey Assembly to run the Burger and Curly Fry booth at the fair. The booth was highly successful, raising $5000 for ICA on top of the $5000 check we wrote to Good Cheer! We have the same opportunity this year, so we are looking for more ICA parents and students to sign up to help fill out the 70+ shifts that are required. Thank you to those who have already contacted me! Here are the details: We supply your entry ticket into the fair the day you work. Hours worked can also count toward volunteer hours for this year or next year. Shifts are Thursday through Sunday, July 20th-23rd, 9:30-4:00 pm or 4:00 – 10:15 pm. Each shift requires 9 people to cover all the jobs. We will also need help Wednesday the 19thfor set up and Monday the 24th during the day for clean-up. Many people who helped last year liked the busy yet fun-filled atmosphere, and enjoyed making some new acquaintances. Please call the office if you would like to be called when we start making the schedule! July 3rd Face Painting – Each year ICA provides face painting for the 3rd of July event at Freeland Park. Shifts begin at 3 pm and continue until 7:00 pm. Our junior and senior high students often man the booth, but we would welcome parent volunteers as well! Training provided. Now on to a few events between now and the end of school: June 1 – this Thursday – last day for house points June 2 – Disney Dress Up Day sponsored by the Student Council June 5 – House of Distinction field trip to Wild Waves. (Permission slips coming your way soon for House Adoratium barring a last minute upset.) June 5 – 12 – School Belles 20% off plus free shipping sale June 9 – JH/HS Formal dinner and movie event at ICA (let us know if you would like to help) 2:45 All school sing along with the ICA band June 12 – 14 JH/HS field trip to Mt St. Helens and the Ape Caves June 14 – Field Day for elementary June 15 – last day of school 10:00 Kindergarten Graduation 10:30 4th Quarter Awards presentations 11:30 Year End Slide Show and dismissal Finishing strong! Brenda |
Island Christian ACademyDecidedly Academic - Distinctively Christian. A few of our wax museum participants
Electives week with Detective Farr from Island County
Grandparents Day
Service Project, Langley
High School students visit the capital building in Olympia
Spelling bee winners
Sno-Isle Skill Center graduate and ICA senior
Secondary Leadership Retreat
Community service project at the Island County Fairgrounds
Northwest Institute of the Literary Arts winners